
ROI announces recruitment for the 2024 Rural Change Makers Program.

Date: May 16, 2024

The Rural Ontario Institute (ROI) is pleased to announce the opening of recruitment for the 2024 Rural Change Makers (RCM) program with the support of regional partners:

  • Opiikapawiin Services LP (OSLP) - representing a collective of 24 First Nations from Northwestern Ontario,
  • Community Futures Huron,
  • Haliburton-Minden Hills community collective including 20 businesses, leaders, organizations, farmers and educators,
  • TRENVAL Business Development Corporation,
  • Renfrew County Community Futures Development Corporation,
  • Renfrew County Economic Development, and
  • Four County Labour Market Planning Board.

The Rural Change Maker Program welcomes applications from engaged young leaders aged 18-35 in rural and northern Ontario eager to become the next faces of change and mobilize action around issues important to their communities. 

It will be exciting to see our youth from Wataynikaneyap partner communities advance their skills, knowledge and gifts through leadership roles and community projects. The path they choose on their shared leadership journey will help build positive outcomes for the future,” said Laura Calmwind, Training Program Manager of Opiikapawiin Services LP (OSLP). 

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