
About Us

ROI is a charitable organization that delivers programs that develop strong leaders who are critical voices around opportunities and key issues facing rural and northern Ontario.

We do this by:

Developing leaders

Through core programming like the Advanced Agricultural Leadership Program and the Rural Change Makers Program.

Informing leaders and rural communities

Through our knowledge resources with information series including:

Connecting rural communities, leaders and partners

Through specialized partnership projects like the Ontario Community Transportation Networkwebinars and special events.


Our Mission


Our Vision

 Thriving Vibrant Communities  

Our Key Values

  • Diverse perspectives and collaboration
  • Respectful, open and honest communication
  • Innovation and entrepreneurship
  • Economic, social and environmental sustainability in rural and northern Ontario
  • Continuous Improvement and excellence

Our History

Established in 2010, the Rural Ontario Institute (ROI) was created through the amalgamation of The Centre for Rural Leadership (TCRL) and The Ontario Rural Council (TORC). The Advanced Agricultural Leadership Program has been a flagship program of the Rural Ontario Institute for 39 years and counting.