
ROI announces launch of the RHIS in Northern Ontario

Date: July 17, 2024


GUELPH, ON, July 17, 2024 – The Rural Ontario Institute (ROI), Northwestern Ontario Municipal Association (NOMA), the Federation of Northern Ontario Municipalities (FONOM), and the Northern Policy Institute (NPI) announce the launch of the Rural Housing Information System (RHIS) to rural Northern Ontario municipalities.    

“NOMA is thrilled the RHIS was successful in receiving funding to launch this interactive and useful tool in Northwestern Ontario. Housing data is limited and challenging in the North given our vast geographic landscape,” says Wendy Landry, President of the Northwestern Ontario Municipal Association. “The RHIS will be beneficial for municipalities to access meaningful housing data for the North in one central location. This will be helpful to identify current available housing stock to address housing needs and inform and improve planning and policymaking in the housing sector.” 

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